Abacus is used for the mental development of the child between the age group 5-14. Using the Abacus for calculation is an ancient Chinese teaching technique to enhance the brain functionalities. It is 2000 years old technique of mental mathematic practice. It is used by both hand fingers that activates Left and Right brain development which results in making student active, creative and concentrated.
Abacus Program Structure for Schools
- Eligibility of Students: aged between 5-14 years.
- Duration: 2 years
- Duration of the class: 40 minutes in average (at least, one class per week)
- Examination system: In accordance to school calendar or on other time as per discussion. Examination questions will be sent by the organization.
- Monitoring and Evaluation of the trained teacher and program will be done throughout the year. The students are certified at end of the program.
Note: We can also provide classes for school as per strategy of classes at our center through our special trainers
Fee Structure:
For students: 1st year=Rs.2500/- per student for a year.
2nd year= Rs.1000/- (It includes Book, Abacus and needed materials and the costing is also for the royalty, monitoring, evaluation and examination)
Results/ Outcomes of Abacus Classes:
- Activates left hemisphere (imagination, feeling, dream, and intuition) and right hemisphere (thinking, logic, wise, and mathematics) of brain.
Left hand and body movements has connections with right brain and vice versa. Most of the people are righty due to which left brain is more active. But it’s a fact that right hemisphere (90%) is more powerful than left hemisphere (10%). Abacus balances both brain movement through use of both hands’ fingers.
- Increases speed and accuracy
- Promotes concentration (90%+).
- Increases memory power by increasing the visualizing capacity.
- Increases the learning ability and writing skill.
- Make them more alert in their task.
- Helps children to face competition from early ages by increasing their learning capabilities.
- Sharpens the children's hearing power giving them enough self-confidence to compete in the international competitions.
- Reduces the children’s carelessness and also lessens the stress in children.
- Helps in developing better observation capabilities and rapid calculation abilities in children that makes them superior when compared to other students.